Georgia country code

To call to Georgia use the international country calling code +995 followed by the national phone number you want to call. Georgia is located in Asia and uses Lari. It has around 3 727 000 inhabitants, 1 276 000 landlines and 4 699 000 cell phone users.

+995 Country code
GE iso-2
GEO iso-3
GEL Currency
.ge domain
Local time
Same time as in your city. %s hour(s) ahead of your city. %s hour(s) behind your city.
Daylight saving time:
Applied Not applied
Local time
Same time as in your city. %s hour(s) ahead of your city. %s hour(s) behind your city.
Daylight saving time:
Applied Not applied

Country code location

The country code +995 indicates that the phone number you are about to dial is to Georgia in Asia. Before you call to Georgia you should be aware of that they speak Georgian (official) 71%, Russian 9%, Armenian 7%, Azeri 6%, other 7%. You can see the exact location of this country code on the maps below.

Georgia city codes

Use the table below to find out from what city in Georgia your missed call came from. The city dialing code is a prefix used before the local phone number and is indicating to what city you are about to dial. Keep in mind that cellphone numbers often don't have city prefix codes and therefore is not traceable to a city.

city dial code
Adigeni +995-366
Akhalgori +995-342
Akhalkalaki +995-362
Akhaltsikhe +995-365
Akhmeta +995-349
Aspindza +995-364
Batumi +995-222
Bolnisi +995-358
Borjomi +995-367
Chiatura +995-379
Dedoplls Tskaro +995-356
Dmanisi +995-360
Dushetl +995-344
Gori +995-370
Gurjaani +995-353
Kareli +995-369
Kaspi +995-371
Kazbegi +995-345
Khashuri +995-368
Kutaisi +995-331
Kvarell +995-352
Lagodekhi +995-335
Marneull +995-357
Mobile Phones - Geocell +995-77
Mobile Phones - Magti Com +995-93
Mobile Phones - Magti Com +995-99
Ninotsminda +995-361
Ozurgeti +995-396
Poti +995-393
Rustavi +995-335
Sagarejo +995-351
Samtredia +995-311
Senaki +995-313
Signagi +995-355
Sukhumi +995-122
Tbilisi +995-32
Telavi +995-350
Tetri Tskaro +995-359
Tianeti +995-348
Tskaltubo +995-340
Tskhinvall +995-341
Tzalka +995-363
Zestafoni +995-392
Zugdidi +995-315