Iran country code

To call to Iran use the international country calling code +98 followed by the national phone number you want to call. Iran is located in Asia and uses Rial. It has around 78 143 644 inhabitants, 28 760 000 landlines and 58 160 000 cell phone users.

+98 Country code
IR iso-2
IRN iso-3
IRR Currency
.ir domain
Local time
Same time as in your city. %s hour(s) ahead of your city. %s hour(s) behind your city.
Daylight saving time:
Applied Not applied
Local time
Same time as in your city. %s hour(s) ahead of your city. %s hour(s) behind your city.
Daylight saving time:
Applied Not applied

Country code location

The country code +98 indicates that the phone number you are about to dial is to Iran in Asia. Before you call to Iran you should be aware of that they speak Persian (official) 53%, Azeri Turkic and Turkic dialects 18%, Kurdish 10%, Gilaki and Mazandarani 7%, Luri 6%, Balochi 2%, Arabic 2%, other 2%. You can see the exact location of this country code on the maps below.

Iran city codes

Use the table below to find out from what city in Iran your missed call came from. The city dialing code is a prefix used before the local phone number and is indicating to what city you are about to dial. Keep in mind that cellphone numbers often don't have city prefix codes and therefore is not traceable to a city.

city dial code
Ardebil +98-452
Bakhtiari +98-382
Booshehr +98-772
Booshehr +98-773
Booyerahmad +98-743
Booyerahmad +98-742
Booyerahmad +98-74
Chaharmahal +98-772773
Ealam (Ilam) +98-842
Eastern Azerbayajan +98-411
Eastern Azerbayajan +98-412
Eastern Azerbayajan +98-42
Fars +98-712
Fars +98-722
Fars +98-72
Ghazvin +98-281
Ghazvin +98-282
Gilan +98-132
Gilan +98-142
Gilan +98-18
Golestan +98-173
Golestan +98-174
Hamedan +98-812
Hamedan +98-852
Hormozgan +98-763
Hormozgan +98-764
Isfahan +98-311
Isfahan +98-322
Isfahan +98-32
Kerman +98-342
Kerman +98-346
Kerman +98-34
Kermanshah +98-831
Kermanshah +98-832
Kermanshah +98-83
Khoozestan +98-612
Khoozestan +98-632
Khoozestan +98-64
Khorasan +98-511
Khorasan +98-512
Khorasan +98-52
Kohgelouyeh +98-743
Kohgelouyeh +98-742
Kohgelouyeh +98-74
Kordestan +98-875
Kordestan +98-872
Lorestan +98-663
Markazi +98-256
Markazi +98-861
Markazi +98-86
Mazandaran +98-111
Mazandaran +98-112
Mazandaran +98-12
Qom +98-251
Qom +98-252
Semnan +98-231
Semnan +98-232
Semnan +98-27
Sistan +98-452
Sistan +98-541
Sistan +98-54
Tehran +98-21
Tehran +98-21
Western Azerbayajan +98-443
Western Azerbayajan +98-444
Western Azerbayajan +98-46
Yazd +98-352
Zanjan +98-242