Lithuania country code

To call to Lithuania use the international country calling code +370 followed by the national phone number you want to call. Lithuania is located in Europe and uses Euro. It has around 2 932 367 inhabitants, 667 300 landlines and 5 000 000 cell phone users.

+370 Country code
LT iso-2
LTU iso-3
LTL Currency
.lt domain
Local time
Same time as in your city. %s hour(s) ahead of your city. %s hour(s) behind your city.
Daylight saving time:
Applied Not applied
Local time
Same time as in your city. %s hour(s) ahead of your city. %s hour(s) behind your city.
Daylight saving time:
Applied Not applied

Country code location

The country code +370 indicates that the phone number you are about to dial is to Lithuania in Europe. Before you call to Lithuania you should be aware of that they speak Lithuanian (official) 82%, Russian 8%, Polish 5.6%, other 0.9%, unspecified 3.5% (2011 est.). You can see the exact location of this country code on the maps below.

Lithuania city codes

Use the table below to find out from what city in Lithuania your missed call came from. The city dialing code is a prefix used before the local phone number and is indicating to what city you are about to dial. Keep in mind that cellphone numbers often don't have city prefix codes and therefore is not traceable to a city.

city dial code
Akmene +370-425
Alytus +370-315
Anyk?ciai +370-381
Bir?tonas +370-319
Bir?ai +370-450
Druskininkai +370-313
Elektrenai +370-528
Ignalina +370-386
Jonava +370-349
Joni?kis +370-426
Jurbarkas +370-447
Kai?iadorys +370-346
Kaunas +370-37
Kedainiai +370-57
Kelme +370-427
Kretinga +370-445
Kupi?kis +370-459
Lazdijai +370-318
Marijampole +370-343
Ma?eikiai +370-443
Moletai +370-383
Neringa +370-469
Pakruojis +370-421
Palanga +370-460
Paneve?ys +370-45
Pasvalys +370-451
Plunge +370-448
Prienai +370-319
Radvili?kis +370-422
Raseiniai +370-428
Roki?kis +370-458
?akiai +370-345
?alcininkai +370-380
?ilale +370-449
?ilute +370-441
?irvintos +370-382
?vencionys +370-387
Taurage +370-446
Tel?iai +370-444
Trakai +370-528
Ukmerge +370-340
Utena +370-389
Varena +370-310
Vilkavi?kis +370-342
Vilnius +370-521
Visaginas +370-386
Zarasai +370-385