Swaziland country code

To call to Swaziland use the international country calling code +268 followed by the national phone number you want to call. Swaziland is located in Africa and uses Lilangeni. It has around 1 269 112 inhabitants, 48 600 landlines and 805 000 cell phone users.

+268 Country code
SZ iso-2
SWZ iso-3
SZL Currency
.sz domain
Local time
Same time as in your city. %s hour(s) ahead of your city. %s hour(s) behind your city.
Daylight saving time:
Applied Not applied
Local time
Same time as in your city. %s hour(s) ahead of your city. %s hour(s) behind your city.
Daylight saving time:
Applied Not applied

Country code location

The country code +268 indicates that the phone number you are about to dial is to Swaziland in Africa. Before you call to Swaziland you should be aware of that they speak English (official, used for government business), siSwati (official). You can see the exact location of this country code on the maps below.

Swaziland city codes

Use the table below to find out from what city in Swaziland your missed call came from. The city dialing code is a prefix used before the local phone number and is indicating to what city you are about to dial. Keep in mind that cellphone numbers often don't have city prefix codes and therefore is not traceable to a city.

city dial code
All other points +268-5
Bhunya +268-452
Bhunya +268-453
Big Bend +268-363
Big Bend +268-364
Hlathikulu +268-217
Hluthi +268-227
Lobamba +268-416
Ludzeludze +268-548
Mahamba +268-237
Mahwalala +268-472
Malkerns +268-528
Mankayane +268-538
Manzini +268-505
Manzini +268-506
Maphiveni +268-373
Matsapha +268-517
Matsapha +268-518
Mbabane +268-404
Mbabane +268-405
Mbabane +268-406
Mhlambanyatsi +268-467
Mhlume +268-312
Mhlume +268-313
Mpaka +268-333
Ngwenya +268-442
Nhlangano +268-207
Nsoko +268-303
Pigg's Peak +268-437
Sidwashini +268-422
Simunye +268-382
Simunye +268-383
Siphocosini +268-482
Siphofaneni +268-344
Siteki +268-343
Tshaneni +268-322
Tshaneni +268-323
Villaverde de Guadalimar +268-67