Cazaquistão country code

To call to Cazaquistão use the international country calling code +7 followed by the national phone number you want to call. Cazaquistão is located in Ásia and uses Tenge. It has around 17 289 224 inhabitants, 4 340 000 landlines and 28 731 000 cell phone users.

+7 Código do país ou nombre e país
KZ iso-2
KAZ iso-3
KZT Moneda
.kz domain
Local time
Same time as in your city. %s hour(s) ahead of your city. %s hour(s) behind your city.
Daylight saving time:
Applied Not applied
Local time
Same time as in your city. %s hour(s) ahead of your city. %s hour(s) behind your city.
Daylight saving time:
Applied Not applied

Country code location

The country code +7 indicates that the phone number you are about to dial is to Cazaquistão in Ásia. Before you call to Cazaquistão you should be aware of that they speak Kazakh (official, Qazaq) 64.4%, Russian (official, used in everyday business, designated the language of interethnic communication) 95% (2001 est.). You can see the exact location of this country code on the maps below.

Cazaquistão city codes

city dial code
Akmola +7-317
Aktau +7-329
Aktubinsk +7-313
Almaty +7-327
Arkalyk +7-330
Astana +7-717
Atyrau +7-312
Karaganda +7-321
Kostanai +7-314
Kzyl-Orda +7-324
Leninsk +7-336
Pavlodar +7-318
Petropavlovsk +7-315
Semipalatinsk +7-322
Shymkent +7-325
Taldykorgan +7-328
Uralsk +7-311
Ust-Kamenogorsk +7-323
Zhambyl +7-326
Zhezkazgan +7-310