Guiné-Bissau country code

To call to Guiné-Bissau use the international country calling code +245 followed by the national phone number you want to call. Guiné-Bissau is located in África and uses Franc. It has around 1 800 513 inhabitants, 5 000 landlines and 1 100 000 cell phone users.

+245 Código do país ou nombre e país
GW iso-2
GNB iso-3
XOF Moneda
.gw domain
Local time
Same time as in your city. %s hour(s) ahead of your city. %s hour(s) behind your city.
Daylight saving time:
Applied Not applied
Local time
Same time as in your city. %s hour(s) ahead of your city. %s hour(s) behind your city.
Daylight saving time:
Applied Not applied

Country code location

The country code +245 indicates that the phone number you are about to dial is to Guiné-Bissau in África. Before you call to Guiné-Bissau you should be aware of that they speak Portuguese (official), Crioulo, African languages. You can see the exact location of this country code on the maps below.

Guiné-Bissau city codes

city dial code
Bafatá +245-41
Bambadinca +245-41
Bedanda +245-61
Bigene +245-32
Bissorã +245-32
Bolama +245-81
Brá +245-25
Buba +245-61
Bubaque +245-82
Bula +245-33
Cacheu +245-92
Cacine +245-61
Canchungo +245-91
Caravela +245-83
Catio +245-61
Farim +245-35
Fulacunda +245-61
Gabú +245-51
Ingore +245-33
Mansoa +245-31
Manssabá +245-31
Pirada +245-53
Quebo +245-62
S. Domingos +245-93
S. Luzia +245-22
Sonaco +245-52
Tite +245-61
Uno +245-84