Kuwait country code

To call to Kuwait use the international country calling code +965 followed by the national phone number you want to call. Kuwait is located in Ásia and uses Dinar. It has around 3 753 121 inhabitants, 510 000 landlines and 5 526 000 cell phone users.

+965 Código do país ou nombre e país
KW iso-2
KWT iso-3
KWD Moneda
.kw domain
Local time
Quinta-Feira, Março 27, 2025
Kuwait City (AST, UTC +03:00)
Same time as in your city. 3 hour(s) ahead of your city. %s hour(s) behind your city.
Daylight saving time:
Applied Not applied
Local time
Quinta-Feira, Março 27, 2025
Kuwait City (AST, UTC +03:00)
Same time as in your city. 3 hour(s) ahead of your city. %s hour(s) behind your city.
Daylight saving time:
Applied Not applied

Country code location

The country code +965 indicates that the phone number you are about to dial is to Kuwait in Ásia. Before you call to Kuwait you should be aware of that they speak Arabic (official), English widely spoken. You can see the exact location of this country code on the maps below.

Kuwait city codes

city dial code
Abdalli +965-470
Ahmadi +965-398
Ahmadi & Umm-Alhaiman +965-327
Ahmadi & Umm-Alhaiman +965-328
Ardhiyah +965-480
Ardhiyah +965-488
Ardhiyah +965-489
Fahaheel +965-391
Fahaheel +965-392
Farwaniah +965-471
Farwaniah +965-472
Farwaniah +965-473
Farwaniah +965-474
Farwaniah +965-476
Free Trade Zone +965-461
Funtas +965-390
Hawalli +965-261
Hawalli +965-262
Hawalli +965-263
Hawalli +965-264
Hawalli +965-265
Hawalli +965-266
Jaber Al-Ali +965-383
Jaber Al-Ali +965-384
Jabriyah +965-531
Jabriyah +965-532
Jabriyah +965-533
Jabriyah +965-534
Jahra +965-477
Jahra-B +965-455
Jahra-B +965-456
Jahra-B +965-457
Jahra-B +965-458
Jaleeb Al-Shuyoukh +965-431
Manqaf & Shuiba +965-371
Manqaf & Shuiba +965-372
Manqaf & Shuiba +965-376
Mushrif +965-538
Nuzha +965-224
Nuzha +965-251
Nuzha +965-252
Nuzha +965-253
Nuzha +965-254
Nuzha +965-255
Nuzha +965-256
Nuzha +965-257
Nuzha +965-258
Nuzha +965-259
Qurain +965-541
Qurain +965-542
Qurain +965-543
Qurain +965-544
Ras Salmiyah +965-571
Ras Salmiyah +965-572
Ras Salmiyah +965-573
Ras Salmiyah +965-574
Ras Salmiyah +965-575
Rekka +965-394
Rekka +965-396
Sabah Salem +965-551
Sabah Salem +965-552
Safat +965-240
Safat +965-241
Safat +965-242
Safat +965-243
Safat +965-244
Safat +965-245
Safat +965-246
Safat +965-247
Safat +965-248
Safat +965-249
Salmiyah +965-561
Salmiyah +965-562
Salmiyah +965-563
Salmiyah +965-564
Salmiyah +965-565
Shuwaikh +965-481
Shuwaikh +965-483
Shuwaikh +965-484
South Subahiyah +965-361
South Subahiyah +965-362
Sulaibikhat +965-487
Sulaibiyah +965-467
Wafra +965-381
Zoor +965-395